Re-engineering challenging and abstract topics using Kahoot!, a student response system.


  • Maria Gebbels University of Greenwich



Student Response System, Technology, Consolidation of Learning, Student Engagement, Feedback


The pervasive nature of digital technologies and students’ habitual use of them brings opportunities for their assimilation in the classroom environment. The Student Response System (SRS), Kahoot!, which allows students to provide answers to multiple-choice questions instantly was introduced in the research methods course. The motivation for using such technology was to reinforce the key concepts, often very abstract, consolidate students’ learning, provide them with real-life feedback, and help them to grow in their knowledge and confidence of the subject matter. This case study, based on a small scale exploratory research sample, showcases the benefits of incorporating SRS in the research methods tutorials, supported by student feedback, which include better conceptual understanding and increased motivation resulting in the transition from surface to deep learning.

Author Biography

Maria Gebbels, University of Greenwich

Dr Maria Gebbels is a lecturer in hospitality management at the Marketing, Events and Tourism department of the University of Greenwich. Her area of expertise and research interests are career development in the hospitality industry, critical hospitality management research, application of life history methodology, implementation and benefits of digital technologies in teaching, as well as advancements in food and its relationship with culture and society. Maria is currently collaborating with other academics on advancing the knowledge on the area of personology and professionalism in the hospitality industry, as well as developing an understanding of the role and equal opportunities of women in professional work settings.


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Case Studies