The STEPS course: Support through Tutoring, Employability and Professional Skills.


  • Miriam Sorrentino University of Greenwich



personal tutor, academic tutors, student support, retention, social life


Personal tutoring is an essential part of higher education however, while the need for it has increased year on year, time for it has decreased (Select Committee on Education and Employment, 2001). Many students need a diverse range of support (Department for Education and Skills, 2003) and there is growing pressure to include 'soft skills' within higher education (NCIHE, 1997; Skillset, 2011). These requirements often fall to personal tutors. A small working group in the department of Creative Professions and Digital Arts at the University of Greenwich tried to find a solution that could help our diverse student body find some of the support and skills they need. This decision to make personal tutoring a departmental responsibility, rather than one linked to programmes or courses, completely changed our thinking about what we could achieve. This project became STEPS, a course co-designed with students with a consistent feedback loop through the Unitu online platform.

Author Biography

Miriam Sorrentino, University of Greenwich

Miriam Sorrentino is a senior lecturer at the University of Greenwich on the Graphics and Media programmes. She taught Advertising degree students at UAL and L3 at Lambeth College. Prior to academia, she worked in award-winning Advertising and Design agencies for twenty years and was commissioned to write ‘Creative Advertising: An Introduction’, published by Lawrence King in 2014. Her interest in the student experience stemmed from this broad professional background. At Greenwich, she is the STEPS leader.


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Case Studies