Creating conditions for student success on a two-year accelerated degree
Accelerated degrees, retention, academic support, widening participationAbstract
Two-year degrees are intensive degree programmes that offer increased flexibility in Higher Education (HE) and are becoming a more appealing option for many students seeking HE study (Baty, 2017; Cabral and Lambirth, 2017), but with lower entry requirements, are students coming onto a degree unequipped and unprepared for the challenges that accelerated study presents?This opinion piece focuses on the two-year BA in Primary Education and details a collaborative pilot project offered by the Faculty of Education and Health and Information and Library Services. The course uses an innovative framework that embeds academic skills in the taught programme to help students better manage the challenges that the accelerated degree brings. Academic and information literacy skills are integrated in the subject curriculum to support students with their studies but also to enhance their abilities and build lasting confidence through employability and citizenship skills.This paper will essentially outline four potential strategies to be considered for employment on other cross-faculty accelerated programmes.References
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