About the Journal

Focus and Scope


This journal promotes, encourages, enhances and disseminates research, good practice and innovation in all aspects of the student learning experience within Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research wherever these may be taught in higher education. Above all, it aims to be practitioner-based; articles will on the whole, be written by practitioners, for practitioners. The journal aims to fill the gap left by the MSOR Connections journal, last published in November 2013 by the Higher Education Academy.

Three issues are published on-line each year. It is peer-reviewed and caters for all those in higher education involved in the teaching, learning and assessment of Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research, including those engaged in the provision of mathematics and statistics support.

The readership is drawn from the whole of the learning, teaching and support communities within the disciplines of Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research, but also includes those working in Mathematical Education, staff developers and support staff. Articles should therefore be written in a clear and easy-to-read style.

Before submitting an article, please refer to information listed under submissions on the journal website. In particular this provides author guidelines and a submission template for Word.

Peer Review Process

All submissions are subject to peer review. Submissions will be peer reviewed on the basis of relevance to the journal themes, quality of submission and interest to the intended audience. Authors will receive feedback and comments following this process and may be asked to amend their work accordingly. The editors reserve the right to make further minor editorial changes.

For any further guidance or information about the journal please contact MSOREditors@gmail.com

Publication Frequency

One volume per academic year with 3 issues per volume.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.