A history of the development of the mathematics and statistics support community in the United Kingdom. Part 1: From alpha to sigma





Mathematics and statistics support, community of practice, Centres of Excellence in Teaching and Learning


In terms of the history of mathematics higher education, mathematics and statistics support (MSS) is a very recent development, existing as a formal feature for less than 50 years.  However, in this short time, MSS has displayed its own characteristics.  A particularly notable feature of MSS in the United Kingdom (and in other countries) has been the way in which practitioners have collaborated with each other, almost from the outset.  This collaboration has led to the creation of a community (the sigma network) with a written constitution and formal membership.  This two-part article traces the history of the development of the MSS community in the UK from its earliest incarnations to the present day.  The first part of the article reviews the period from the early 1990s to 2005 during which time the key events were the rise and demise of the Mathematics Support Association and the creation of sigma, Centre of Excellence in University-wide Mathematics and Statistics Support. 

Author Biography

Duncan Lawson, Coventry University

Co-Director, sigmaCoventry University


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