Teaching statistical appreciation in quantitative methods


  • Peter Mitchell University of Sheffield




statistical appreciation, quantitative methods, statistical tests, P-value, statistical significance.


Statistical appreciation is the knowledge about statistical tests, how they are chosen, the procedure and interpretation of the results, without the calculations of the test statistic.  This was taught as part of quantitative methods to students taking part-time degrees when there was insufficient time to include training on statistical computer packages.  Details of the content, teaching methods and assessment are given, with stress on correct understanding of P-values and interpretation as statistical significance.  Given that many more people need to understand the results and interpretation of statistical tests than to do the calculations, statistical appreciation is of general value, especially to research supervisors.  It also provides a firm base for further learning and training in statistics.


Campbell, R.C., 1989. Statistics for Biologists (third edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Davies, N., Marriott, J. & Martignetti, D., 2012. A statistical awareness curriculum for STEM employees. MSOR Connections, 12, pp. 12–16.

Mehl, M.R., Vazire, S., Ramirez-Esparza, N., Slatcher, R.B. & Pennebaker, J.W., 2007. Are women really more talkative than men? Science, 317, p. 82.


