Game information sheets: a student-produced resource to help you run a Maths Arcade


  • Peter Rowlett Sheffield Hallam University



Maths Arcade, Students as partners, mathematical thinking, games, student experience.


The Maths Arcade is an extracurricular activity to play strategy games and puzzles, aiming to provide an informal student support environment, improve staff-student interaction and develop mathematical thinking. Running a Maths Arcade presents some need for information about the games. Three projects have hired students to create game information sheets to support using the games with new players and to encourage development of strategic and logical thinking.


Bradshaw, N., 2011. The University of Greenwich Maths Arcade. MSOR Connections, 11(3), pp.26-29. Available at: [Accessed 7 September 2017]

Bradshaw, N. and Rowlett, P. eds., 2012. Maths Arcade: stretching and supporting mathematical thinking. Birmingham, U.K.: Maths, Stats and OR Network. Available at: [Accessed 7 September 2017]

Cornock, C., 2015. Maths Arcade at Sheffield Hallam University: Developments made in a new space. MSOR Connections, 14(1), pp.54-61.available at: [Accessed 7 September 2017]

Croft, T. and Grove, M., 2015. Progression within the mathematics curriculum. In: M. Grove, T. Croft, J. Kyle and D. Lawson, eds. Transitions in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Birmingham, U.K.: University of Birmingham. pp. 173-189.

Rowlett, P., Webster, K., Bradshaw, N. and Hind, J., (in press) Evaluation of the Maths Arcade initiative at five U.K. universities. The Math Enthusiast. (Accepted for publication March 2017).

Schoenfeld, A.H., 1994. Mathematical Thinking and Problem Solving. Hove, UK: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Webster, K. and Rowlett, P., 2013. A Maths Arcade at Nottingham Trent University. Mathematics Today, 49, p.120.

Waldock, J., Rowlett, P., Cornock, C., Robinson, M. and Bartholomew, H., 2017. The role of informal learning spaces in enhancing student engagement with mathematical sciences. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 48(4), pp.587-602.


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