Where next for mathematics education in higher education? A one-day meeting in honour of Professor John Blake


  • Michael Grove University of Birmingham
  • Gary Brown
  • Tony Croft
  • Stephen Hibberd
  • Jeremy Levesley
  • Chris Linton




Maths, Stats & OR Network, mathematics education, teaching and learning, mathematics support.


On the 10 June 2016 Professor John Blake, known to many readers of MSOR Connections for his leadership of the Maths, Stats & OR Network and his passionate support for mathematics education, passed away peacefully following a short illness. He was 69. In recognition of John’s work, a number of his friends and colleagues came together to organise a one-day education meeting in his honour that comprised part of a larger event celebrating his many achievements in applied mathematics. The meeting was held in July 2017 at the University of Birmingham, a place where John spent many years of his career and established a legacy for teaching and learning from which many now benefit today. John was a man for action and the purpose of this one-day meeting was to explore the current needs and priorities of the mathematical sciences community and identify mechanisms by which we can continue to work together in a changed, and changing, higher education landscape: this article comprises a record of the thoughts and ideas of those who presented in honour of John’s legacy.

Author Biography

Michael Grove, University of Birmingham

School of Mathematics


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