Key factors for designing and delivering an effective asynchronous professional learning experience


  • Ana Cabral Queen Mary Academy Queen Mary University of London
  • Steph Fuller Queen Mary Academy Queen Mary University of London



Asynchronous, professional learning, course design, student experience


In this paper, we explore the key factors for designing and delivering an effective asynchronous professional learning experience. This research study was developed with 107 participants in a module of a Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) - a qualification which is offered to new academics at a United Kingdom (UK) Russell Group university, in line with practice at many other UK higher education institutions (HEIs).The module design was led by a range of factors which the relevant literature deems important for ensuring successful asynchronous online learning design. A questionnaire was created to measure participants’ overall perceptions regarding efficiency (learning context, facilitation, tutor feedback, peer feedback) and gains (presence, participation, persistence, connectedness, sense of community, learning experience). Participants were also invited to refer to the extent to which peer collaboration contributed to learning, to how far they felt part of a community on the module and to whether the asynchronous learning approach facilitated learning. Our results both confirmed and contradicted the positive findings of the literature: respectively, our participants did indeed find that many of the asynchronous design factors led, for them, to successful learning; they also identified some of the factors (e.g., peer feedback) as more challenging. We discuss the results of our study in terms of the effectiveness of this range of factors, considering the specific context of our module; we raise relevant questions about the issues and dilemmas involved in designing and delivering asynchronous learning courses when participants have a dual role as both learners and teachers.

Author Biographies

Ana Cabral, Queen Mary Academy Queen Mary University of London

Ana Cabral is Academic Practice and Student Engagement at the Queen Mary Academy which provides strategic, developmental, practical, project and consultancy support for the enhancement of learning and teaching across QMUL.Ana teaches the module Action (practitioner) Research from the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice Taught programme and provides educational development support around co-creation and recognition of student engagement.She holds a PhD in Education and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She has wide teaching and research experience, and her research interests include teaching and learning in HE, reflective practice, student engagement and co-creation.

Steph Fuller, Queen Mary Academy Queen Mary University of London

Steph Fuller is Academic Practice Taught Programmes Manager at Queen Mary University of London, leading the Queen Mary Academy taught programmes Certificate in Learning and Teaching (CILT) and Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP). She also provides educational development support through consultancy and project work to colleagues across the university with a particular focus around curriculum design. She has worked in educational development since 2014 and previously taught film and media studies. She has research interests in curriculum design, assessment and feedback design, online course design and communities of practice. She holds a PhD in Film Studies and Senior Fellowship of Advance HE.


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