Measuring the Success of Mathematics and Statistics Support Sessions at UWS




mathematics support, statistics support.


Following a review of the provision of mathematics and statistics support across Scottish Higher Education Institutions, academics at the University of the West of Scotland initiated weekly mathematics and statistics support sessions. These sessions were open to all students and staff across the institution, but primarily aimed at the science and engineering students with a high degree of numerate work in their study programmes. After two years of operation, previous attendees and students within key demographics were canvassed on their knowledge of, and opinion of, these support sessions. Four key points were uncovered: advertising of the existence of the sessions should be increased; the use of PhD students overseeing the sessions should be investigated; the centralisation of the sessions should be investigated; and more formal tutorial engagement should be encouraged.

Author Biographies

Andisheh Bakhshi, University of the West of Scotland

Lecturer in StatisticsDivision of Physical SciencesSchool of Computing, Engineering, and Physical Sciences

Wan Rinwi Mekwi, University of the West of Scotland

Teaching Fellow in MathematicsDivision of Physical SciencesSchool of Computing, Engineering, and Physical Sciences

Kenneth Charles Nisbet, University of the West of Scotland

Lecturer in MathematicsDivision of Physical SciencesSchool of Computing, Engineering, and Physical Sciences

Alan James Walker, University of the West of Scotland

Senior Lecturer in MathematicsDivision of Physical SciencesSchool of Computing, Engineering, and Physical Sciences


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