The impact of remote teaching on statistics learning and anxiety
statistics education, motivation, statistics anxiety, remote learning, online learningAbstract
In March 2020, staff and students at UK universities had to suddenly transition from on-campus teaching to remote learning as a result of the pandemic, which continued throughout the 2020/21 academic year. Unlike traditional online learners, students may lack the motivation or confidence to learn as effectively online particularly for modules such as statistics which students often find difficult or stressful face to face.This paper uses survey results from students studying elective and compulsory statistics modules in the 2020/21 academic year to gain an insight into remote learning of statistics from the students’ perspective.When compared to previous face to face teaching of statistics, students were less likely to actively engage with material, ask for help or work with peers remotely. Emotional wellbeing, motivation to learn, statistics anxiety and having a suitable learning environment all impacted on being able to learn statistics remotely. Although statistics anxiety in online teaching situations was generally lower, there was no evidence to suggest anxious students would benefit from online learning going forward.References
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