The Impact of COVID-19 on Year 13 A level Mathematics Students: findings of a small-scale survey
Impact of COVID-19, A level mathematics, syllabus coverage, mathematics confidenceAbstract
In England, students who were awarded A levels in the summer of 2021 experienced disruption in their education during Years 12 and 13 (i.e., throughout the whole of their A level studies) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. National examinations were cancelled in 2021 (as in 2020) and students were given Teacher-Assessed Grades (TAGs). In determining these grades, teachers were instructed to judge students’ achievements in relation to the material that had been covered during Years 12 and 13 rather than against the complete A level syllabus. This small-scale study investigated potential impacts of the unusual experience of Year 13 A level mathematics students on factors including topics covered, confidence in mathematics, post-A level intentions and readiness for higher education, with a view to considering challenges around the transition to higher education. Data were gathered using student and teacher questionnaires. In total, 174 students and 27 teachers from 19 schools/colleges across the country (including one college in Wales) completed the questionnaires. This paper gives a high-level overview of the main messages emerging from the questionnaire responses. It is intended to undertake a more in-depth analysis of the data at a later date and report the findings from the more detailed analysis in subsequent papers.References
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