Gathering and Compiling Mathematical Common Student Errors in e-Assessment Questions with Taxonomical Classification




Mathematical Common Student Errors, Dewis e-Assessment system, Taxonomy


This article gives an overview of the interactive book called ‘Collection of Taxonomically Classified Mathematical Common Student Errors in e-Assessments (CSE Book)’ which has been produced as a result of the Common Student Errors Project (CSE Project) set at the University of the West of England, (UWE Bristol).  The process of creating this CSE Book is discussed in this article, namely, through the systematic collection and compilation of CSEs, and classification of them taxonomically according to a taxonomy presented in existing literature by examining first year Engineering Mathematics students’ rough answer scripts, and e-Assessment-stored data. We believe that the CSEs presented in the CSE book would be useful for mathematics teachers when providing feedback to students to correct CSEs.  Further, institutions can utilise it in the future development of teaching and support resources to ensure that these CSEs will be addressed to help students to acquire better understanding of mathematics. Moreover, mathematics learners can try these questions online by using the respective hyperlinks given in the CSE Book. If any of the identified CSEs are entered in the solution, then enhanced feedback is provided to correct their misconceptions instantly. Currently, the CSE Book is freely available at UWE Bristol’s Repository.

Author Biographies

Indunil Sikurajapathi, University of the West of England, Bristol

Department of Engineering Design and Mathematics Lecturer (Graduate Tutor) in Mathematics 

Karen Henderson, University of the West of England, Bristol

Department of Engineering Design and MathematicsAssociate Professor - TEL

Rhys Gwynllyw

Department of Engineering Design and MathematicsAssociate Professor - Learning and Teaching (Mathematics)


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