Using online STACK assessment to teach complex analysis: a prototype course design?
university mathematics teaching, blended learningAbstract
We describe a new course design, informed by our experience of the pandemic, that we think could be used in other high-level mathematics courses. The course’s main resource was a set of interactive STACK workbooks containing the course notes, automatically-marked comprehension and practice questions for self-assessment, and short videos of examples, calculations, and high-level motivation. This freed up synchronous class time to address conceptual understanding using interactive polling. We describe the course and discuss how it worked in practice.References
Advance HE (2020), Blended Learning. Available via (last accessed 29 November 2022).
Alcock, L. (2018). Tilting the classroom. London Mathematical Society Newsletter, 474, pp. 22-27.
Sangwin, C. J. and Kinnear, G. (2021). Coherently Organized Digital Exercises and Expositions. PRIMUS, pp. 1–12.