The new normal: What does maths and stats support and teaching look like post pandemic?




maths and stats support, online student support, sigma Network, post COVID-19 pandemic.


The workshop “The new normal: What does maths and stats support and teaching look like post pandemic?†took place on the 1st of December 2022 and discussed the changes to mathematics and statistics support since the lifting of restrictions after the pandemic. The event consisted of five short talks where presenters explored the changes that had occurred to mathematics and statistics support at their institutions and concluded with a discussion on how to effectively combine online and face-to-face support and how to increase engagement in all forms of support. This report summarises the talks and discussion, concluding with some thoughts on the changes still required and how we can support each other.


Cronin, A., Cole, J., Clancy, M., Breen, C. and Ó Sé, D. (2016). An Audit of Mathematics Support Provision on the Island of Ireland in 2015. Dublin: National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Available via (last accessed 24 April 2023).

Gilbert, H., Hodds, M. and Lawson, D. (2021). “Everyone seems to be agreeing at the minute that face-to-face is the way forwardâ€: practitioners’ perspectives on post-pandemic mathematics and statistics support. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 40(4), pp. 296–316.

Gilbert, H, Schürmann, M, Liebendörfer, M, Lawson, D and Hodds, M (2023). Post-pandemic online mathematics and statistics support: Practitioners’ opinions in Germany and Great Britain & Ireland. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.

Grove, M., Croft, T. and Lawson, D. (2020). The extent and uptake of mathematics support in higher education: results from the 2018 survey. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 39(2), pp. 86-04.

Hodds, M. (2020). A report into the changes in Mathematics and Statistics support practices due to Covid-19. Available via (last accessed 24 April 2023).

Johns, C. and Mills, M. (2021). Online Mathematics Tutoring During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Recommendations for Best Practices. PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 31(1), pp. 99–117.

Mac an Bhaird, C., Mulligan, P. and O'Malley, J. (2021). Mathematics support centres’ online presence: provision in Ireland and the UK in 2018. Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications, 40(3), pp.190-209.

O'Sullivan, C. and Pfeiffer, K. (2023). Mathematics Learning Support - Linking Practice to Research in the New Normal - A report of the IMLSN Workshop 2022. MSOR Connections, 21(3), pp. 39-43.

sigma Network (2023). sigma Network for excellence in mathematics and statistics support. Available via (last accessed 24 April 2023).

sigma Network (2023, b) The new normal: What does maths and stats support and teaching look like post pandemic? Available via (last accessed 24 April 2023).


