Zero waste: leveraging blended learning materials in traditional teaching




Blended Learning, Anthology, Digital Resources, Traditional Teaching


In recent years, and especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, several university course units have moved from a traditional format, made of face-to-face lectures supplemented by notes and exercise sheets, to a blended learning format based mainly on asynchronous engagement with recorded lectures, videos, and notes, followed by supplementary synchronous sessions to consolidate and expand on the core material. While during Covid-19 the latter format presented clear advantages, as things slowly go back to normal course leaders are free to choose between the two formats, each of which has its own set of advantages and challenges.In this case study we explore the transition from a blended learning course back to a traditional face-to-face format, focusing on the use of an innovative ‘anthology’ approach to repurpose digital materials. Originally a blended learning course featuring a mix of videos, notes, and quizzes, the course underwent a transformation to adapt to a more conventional format without sacrificing the accumulated digital resources. Through this transition, an anthology of learning materials was created, which serves as supplementary support for student learning, providing a wealth of learning aids, ranging from mandatory activities to entirely optional exercises. Challenges encountered during this transition, specifically avoiding an increase in workload, and the maturity required from students, will be examined. We aim to provide a framework to highlight the potential of effectively reutilising blended learning resources within traditional teaching frameworks, while being mindful of workload issues, to enrich the students' learning experience.

Author Biography

Cesare Giulio Ardito, University of Manchester

Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, School of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Manchester.


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