What role does Skill Centre based consultancy serve in mathematics and statistics teaching communities of practice?


  • Tamsin Smith The University of Bath
  • Evi Papadaki The University of Bath




Mathematics and Statistics Teaching (MAST) is a staff facing service set up by the University of Bath Mathematics Resource Centre in September 2021. The service was created to collaborate with academics involved in mathematics and statistics teaching in their academic departments. In September 2023, MAST ended its pilot phase and entered a new growth phase fine-tuning existing structures and practices. During the pilot phase, MAST worked with academics consulting on enriching their programme of study and/or teaching practices. Specifically, the key principle that guides MAST is engaging in long-term sustainable collaborations with academic departments. As a means to address the key principle, we explore the potential of building communities of practice and supporting a wider network across the range of disciplines who encounter similar objectives. Facilitating a wider community of practice could be challenging, especially considering the tight schedule of the academics involved. We discuss our plans to cultivate communities of practice within departments and how we are working towards meeting our goal of establishing best practice and collecting evidence to support a wider community.


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