Project-based learning integrated with e-Assessment


  • Ben Derrick University of the West of England, Bristol
  • Iain Weir University of the West of England, Bristol



project based learning, e-Assessments, statistics education


This paper explores a recent move towards project-based learning for a first-year undergraduate statistics module at the University of the West of England, Bristol. The course is aimed at students specialising in Mathematics and Statistics. A classroom-based end of module project week was developed with the focus on project-based learning, supported by Dewis-R data generation and e-Assessments. Simulation of a practice-based environment with a dedicated working area and daily deadlines is incorporated to enhance the activity. Students are faced with a highly relevant statistical analysis task, that is large and has not had the prior data screening or cleansing that they may be accustomed to in basic didactic teaching. Indications are that the project-based learning approach, assessed during a project week with supplementary e-Assessments and a final report, is well received and leads to improved student outcomes.


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