ENISTEM: Using Emotional Nerve Intelligence in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


  • Edmund Chadwick University of Salford
  • Makhan Singh Birmingham City University




mathematics education, maths support


An Emotional Nerve Intelligence module for second year mathematics undergraduates is presented. This is a new concept that extends Emotional Intelligence by including psychotherapy practices used to control nerves (anxiety and stress). This is delivered within a mathematics STEM setting with the aim of releasing the undergraduates' potential. Results show development in self-awareness of the students by capturing pre- and post-comments, and anecdotal observations indicating the success in students developing their ability to think for themselves are also given.

Author Biographies

Edmund Chadwick, University of Salford

Mathematics Lead, School of Computing, Science and EngineeringReader in Applied Mathematics

Makhan Singh, Birmingham City University

Programme Manager Institute for Sustainable FuturesEnterprise Innovation and Business Engagement


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