Peer Assisted Study Support (PASS) and Students as Change Agents (SACA) in Mathematics at the University of Nottingham


  • Stephen Cox University of Nottingham
  • Laurence Cook University of Nottingham
  • Sam Nield University of Nottingham



PASS, transition, student support, Nottingham Advantage Award.


In 2015-16, a Peer Assisted Study Support (PASS) scheme was introduced in Mathematics at the University of Nottingham.  This PASS scheme is intimately linked to the University’s Nottingham Advantage Award (NAA) scheme, which recognises a wide range of students’ extracurricular activities, including serving as a PASS Leader.  Furthermore, the PASS scheme has been developed in conjunction with the NAA’s Students as Change Agents and Change Leaders (SACA and SACL) programmes, which recognise student-staff partnerships that change teaching and learning practice.  Essential to the success of the scheme has been its genesis through a student-staff partnership, in particular two summer internships in 2015 to develop PASS materials, supported by the Sigma Network and the University’s Teaching Transformation Programme.


Duah, F., Croft, T. and Inglis, M., 2013. Can peer assisted learning be effective in undergraduate mathematics? Int. J. Math. Education in Science and Technology, 45(4), pp.552-565.

Hibberd, S. and Grove, M., 2009. Developing graduate and employability skills within a mathematical sciences programme. MSOR Connections, 9(2), pp.33-39.

LMS, IMA & RSS, 1995. Tackling the Mathematics Problem. [pdf] London: LMS. Available at: [Accessed 10 April 2016].

Kane, S. and Sinka, I., 2009. Good practice in undergraduate peer support. MSOR Connections, 9(4), pp.11-14.

Walker, L., 2015. Enabling students to become independent learners. In M. Grove, T. Croft, J. Kyle and D. Laswon, eds. Transitions in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Birmingham: University of Birmingham.


