Addressing maths anxiety within the curriculum


  • Ellen M Marshall University of Sheffield Sheffield Hallam University
  • Rachel V Staddon University of Sheffield
  • Daniel A Wilson University of Sheffield
  • Victoria E Mann University of Sheffield



maths anxiety, embedding, formative tests, flipped learning


Maths anxiety is a situation-specific anxiety condition which is particularly prevalent in mature students. Previous negative learning experiences with maths condition the brain into maths avoidance behaviours which impacts on students’ choices, their self-efficacy, and their curriculum progression. Otherwise-capable students find themselves unable to study effectively and put-off studying until the last minute. This paper discusses some of the strategies implemented as part of an ongoing collaborative project between the Department for Lifelong Learning (DLL), the Mathematics and Statistics Help centre (MASH), and the Specialist Learning Difference (SpLD) service at the University of Sheffield, the aim of which is to reduce anxiety and engage students to the learning of university mathematics.

Author Biographies

Ellen M Marshall, University of Sheffield Sheffield Hallam University

Statistics tutor, Mathematics and Statistics Help Centre (SHE)Associate lecturer, Department of Engineering and Mathematics (SHU)  

Rachel V Staddon, University of Sheffield

Maths lecturer (Department for Lifelong Learning)

Daniel A Wilson, University of Sheffield

Statistics tutor (MASH)PhD student (Department of Psychology)

Victoria E Mann, University of Sheffield

Specialist Learning Differences tutor


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