Widening participation students’ experience and perception of flipped learning statistics compared with traditional teaching in higher education





flipped learning, non-traditional students, widening participation, statistics


This paper presents data from a study comparing student experience and attainment when teaching statistics using Traditional Teaching (TT) and Flipped Learning (FL) approaches on a Foundation level module at a UK university. A survey of students’ experience and perception of FL was conducted at the end of the year. The results showed that the students liked the flexibility of FL and believed that studying asynchronously encouraged them to improve their independent learning skill and motivated them to search for more information for the subject, a finding broadly supported by other studies (Price and Walker, 2021). However, what was surprising, is that students believed they learned ‘better’ with TT than with FL, a perception supported by student overall attainment data. The study concludes that careful considerations must be made to make FL effective. These include the student demographic and their mathematics competency, the module contents and difficulty level. Otherwise, the use of FL may reduce students’ engagement and academic performance in Maths at Foundation level.

Author Biographies

Jinhua Mathias, Durham University

Dr Jinhua Mathias, Associate Professor, Foundation programme, Durham Centre for Academic Development, Durham University, Durham UK,

Izabela Walczak, Durham University

Dr Izabela Walczak, Assistant Professor, Foundation programme, Durham Centre for Academic Development, Durham University, Durham, UK,

Stephen Leech, Durham University

Mr Stephen Leech, Head of transition, Durham Centre for Academic Development, Durham University, Durham,  


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