Enhancing the Success of College Algebra Students by Incorporating Adaptive Technologies


  • Alina Stefanov University of Central Florida
  • Barry J Griffiths University of Central Florida




Adaptive technology, College Algebra, ALEKS, personalised learning


College students in the United States often enrol in introductory mathematics courses to acquire skills and knowledge that will enable them to solve related problems in their careers and daily activities. However, previous studies have shown limited levels of improvement that perpetuate a lack of proficiency. As a result, the gap in performance between top students and those at the bottom continues to increase. Using modern technology has been suggested as part of the solution to help students resolve their difficulties in mathematics and achieve better learning outcomes. This study assesses the longitudinal effect of redesigning College Algebra classes at a large public university, switching from a modified emporium model to a lab-based adaptive model. The results show that after redesigning the course, the pass rate increased from 68% to consistently being over 80%, while the withdrawal rate fell from 8% to 3%.


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